The Unspoken Hierarchy in Asian Families

<p>In the heart of my family&rsquo;s dynamic, tradition was the maestro, orchestrating every move, every decision. The elders held the reins, their wisdom and experience shaping the family&rsquo;s course. As a child, I watched, my eyes wide with both reverence and a budding sense of rebellion. The traditional Asian family structure, with its clear hierarchies and defined roles, was like an ancient dance &mdash; beautiful, but rigid.</p> <p>As I grew older, I began to question. Why must we always follow the footsteps of those before us? Can&rsquo;t we add our own rhythm to this dance? This questioning wasn&rsquo;t met with open arms; it was more like opening Pandora&rsquo;s box, letting loose a flurry of confusion and sometimes disapproval from the elders. But in these moments of mild familial chaos, I discovered something crucial &mdash; the power of my own voice.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>