Ask Lewis: How to Solve Unsolvable Problems

<p>Often it is being in the Beginner&rsquo;s Mind that brings the solution to mind. This is just one more expression of Wu Wei &mdash; the action that has no action. Though it need not be applied as a consistent problem-solving tool, meditation can also serve as a source for solving various dilemmas. There are forms of meditation that are specifically designed to tap into the creative well and bring solutions to the surface intuitively. All that is required here is the intention! It is an intention that is manifested in every second through thought, word, and deed. I first came across this idea as a young student through the writings of the great German polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Reading Goethe made me ask,&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;What does it mean to be ready, willing, and able to do something? What extraordinary chain of events is actualized as a result of this way of thinking?&rdquo;&nbsp;</em>I imagine each of my actions as a pebble tossed into a pond.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>