The Unseen Journey: Immigrants

<p>We, too, had our unique motivations for relocating from Pakistan to the UK. The decision was far from easy, exacting a significant toll on our mental and financial health. Yet, what often remains unvoiced is the other side of this journey &mdash; the honeymoon period (in a stranger&#39;s land). In your homeland, where you once belonged now feels alien, leaving you in a peculiar state of belonging nowhere, you are a guest there, and in your resident country, you remain a foreigner.</p> <p><strong>Our initial two trips felt like holidays,</strong>&nbsp;with my wife studying on a scholarship. First trip was for only 3 months, while second was for 6 months. I never tried to secure a job, because we had funds for subsistence, and personal expenditures.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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