The UN’s Climate Warning Is Far Worse Than You Think

<p>A recent UN report has found that we are on course for 2.9 degrees Celsius of global warming by the end of the century. This figure shouldn&rsquo;t come as a surprise, as several highly regarded studies have all independently come up with the same figure. However, the timing of this report makes it all the more impactful, as COP28 is approaching fast. Our window for stopping irreversible and devastating climate change is shrinking incredibly fast. As such, COP28 might be the last chance the international community has to halt this self-made apocalypse. But 2.9 degrees is just a number with no real context. It can be challenging to grasp what such a future actually means for the planet and for you. So what exactly is the UN warning will come to pass? And how can we tackle such a global disaster?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>