7 Unpopular Opinions I Have Regarding Money That Everyone Should Analyze Too

<p>Personal finance is personal. Everyone has a different plan that is optimal for them based on their thought patterns and emotions. Picking a strategy requires one to understand oneself the most.</p> <p>Saying that, I think that most financial rules and opinions that exist right now don&rsquo;t make sense.</p> <p>Many people claim that they have the perfect formula for wealth, but it is only a bunch of ridiculous methods that alone will not make you go everywhere.</p> <p>For that reason, here I will bring you my list of unpopular opinions that I have about money, that I consider that all of you should analyze too because you would probably believe something that may not be adding any value to your life just because it is popular and many people see it as valid.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/7-unpopular-opinions-i-have-regarding-money-that-everyone-should-analyze-too-bcb5e7ea3008"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>