Unpopular Opinion: Every Day of Your Entrepreneurial Life Should Be a Vacation

<p>It was my birthday the other day, so naturally, I attended a friend&rsquo;s kid&rsquo;s birthday party that happened to fall on the same day. Some adults might not choose to spend their birthday watching three-year-olds (to whom they have no relation) fight over cake and rainbow lollipops, but I&rsquo;ve since taken a different stance towards birthday parties (and birthdays) in general.</p> <p>Don&rsquo;t get me wrong, I&rsquo;ve done some cool things on my birthday, from swimming with dolphins to parasailing 800 feet above the Pacific Ocean. In fact, barring a change of plans, next week my fianc&eacute; and I should be 372 feet up in the air paragliding over the cliffs of Torrey Pines for my delayed celebration. However, I&rsquo;m well aware that paragliding won&rsquo;t likely top my typical weekend, and it surely won&rsquo;t be the best day of my life.</p> <p>For those who came here looking for business advice, bear with me &mdash; it&rsquo;s all very relevant.</p> <p>Years ago,&nbsp;<a href="https://index.medium.com/how-to-get-and-leave-a-6-figure-job-in-your-early-20s-from-an-ex-wall-street-banker-turned-ceo-c72e6f62f3ea" rel="noopener">sometime between leaving finance</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/the-formula-that-got-my-business-a-200x-roi-in-our-first-90-days-2b0d12fa5f91" rel="noopener" target="_blank">hitting my entrepreneurial stride</a>, I began to make some critical changes to my (and my fianc&eacute;&#39;s) life. Mind you, these changes happened before I&rsquo;d made my first million (or even half a million) in business. They happened before I&rsquo;d&nbsp;<a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/my-startup-got-risky-so-i-bought-a-million-dollar-house-at-the-top-of-the-bubble-62f5df86a7cc" rel="noopener" target="_blank">acquired my first piece of property</a>&nbsp;and before I had any real tangible and lasting evidence of entrepreneurial success. In fact, I made these changes for that very reason: I didn&rsquo;t want to put our lives and happiness on hold until my startup(s) reached that mythical inflection point of &ldquo;success&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href="https://entrepreneurshandbook.co/unpopular-opinion-every-day-of-your-entrepreneurial-life-should-be-a-vacation-5b3484ec3fb2"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>