“Cryptomania” by the Zeppelin Museum: A Community-Centric Approach to Unpack Blockchain Promises

<p>The proliferation of blockchain technology not only marks a paradigm shift in the financial market but also has changed and will continue to change our society. With the exhibition &ldquo;<em>Cryptomania: Promises of the Blockchain&rdquo;,&nbsp;</em>the Zeppelin Museum delves into the nuanced discourse surrounding cryptocurrencies, looking beyond the short term and approaching blockchain technology as a bigger picture.</p> <p>Cryptocurrencies promise to enable low-barrier access to the financial system, decentralized internet to bring changed possibilities of political activism, and DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organisations) to establish new forms of organization and digital cooperatives. But will these technologies lead to the path they&rsquo;re envisioning? The artworks in &ldquo;<em>Cryptomania&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;offer a critical examination of the potential risks and opportunities associated with blockchain technology, commenting on its social and political significance.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@wac-lab/cryptomania-by-the-zeppelin-museum-a-community-centric-approach-to-unpack-blockchain-promises-976e10faccc7"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>