Unlocking Data Access: Harnessing Triggers in the Absence of API Endpoints

<h1>Overview</h1> <p><strong>Have you ever faced a scenario wherein you&rsquo;ve tried to extract a crucial data point from a transactional system (such as an e-commerce system) using its API, only to discover that the necessary information was not accessible through the provided endpoints? If so, read on to discover how this challenge can be effectively tackled using Triggers.</strong></p> <p>In the absence of endpoints, we might think that querying data directly from the transactional tables is an option<strong>.&nbsp;</strong>It is definitely not a good idea to query your transactional tables directly as it can have a significant impact on the performance and stability of the transactional system, particularly when it involves an e-commerce system. When you try querying data from a live, e-commerce system, it is likely to have an adverse effect on user experience (Imagine waiting for 5&ndash;10 minutes for your cart to be retrieved while shopping on Amazon!).</p> <p>In addition to that, running jobs on a transactional system&rsquo;s tables can potentially disrupt ongoing transactions. This issue becomes even more critical if you are considering a &lsquo;Truncate-Load&rsquo; operation in your data warehouse tables on a daily basis. Furthermore, the aforementioned option falls short of a sustainable solution since it lacks support for smooth historical data loads assuming periodic data purges happening in the transactional system.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/unlocking-data-access-harnessing-triggers-in-the-absence-of-api-endpoints-4b5c8b775058"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Unlocking Data