Unlocking Cosmic Potential: Navigating the Capricorn New Moon Energies for Personal Growth and Success — January 11th 2024

<p>A monumental Capricorn New Moon rises on January 11th at 11.57am GMT, opening a portal for architecting your biggest visions into reality. This lunar lift-off comes saturated in planetary potency. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and transformational Pluto all crowd the pragmatic skies of Capricorn, stirring our earthy ambitions and timelines.</p> <p>This New Moon is a harbinger of significant shifts, with themes of work, purpose, status, and power taking centre stage. As we navigate the initial months of 2024, a healing crisis for humanity emerges. Ultimately, it&rsquo;s a call to work on the self to catalyse change on a collective scale.</p> <p>Commit fully to your higher purpose without apology or excuses. Responsibility calls across the galaxies &mdash; no more hiding. Where have you been playing small, overcompensating or avoiding your soul&rsquo;s true calling? This New Moon declares enough of that! Stand strong in your truth.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@davinamackail/unlocking-cosmic-potential-navigating-the-capricorn-new-moon-energies-for-personal-growth-and-8d00c28da22a"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>