Unrestricted Funding, Unlimited Advantages

<p>We recently wrote about what we are doing to become (and remain) the best partner to our grantee-partners based on what we learned from our&nbsp;<a href="https://segalfamily.medium.com/becoming-our-partners-best-partner-6caaadff5387" rel="noopener">2023 Grantee Perception Report</a>. The most significant theme emerging from the GPR is that our unrestricted funding is gold for our partners, nearly all of whom rely on grants and donations to carry out their important work. Despite a growing number of funders making a case for flexible, unrestricted funding, the trend has been slow to catch on in Africa, where most funding available to nonprofits is still majorly limited to specific projects or programs. Here is what our partners told us, in their voices, about the importance of unrestricted funding for their organizations and why more donors should consider funding as flexibly as possible.</p> <p><a href="https://segalfamily.medium.com/unrestricted-funding-unlimited-advantages-694cb07b02d2"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>