Top 10 Unity Tricks That Will Speed Up Your Game Development

<p>Do you want to improve your productivity when making games? Are you using the Unity Game Engine, and by extension the Unity Engine and the C# programming language? Well, you&rsquo;re in luck! I&rsquo;m going to present you with my top 10 mind blowing Unity tricks that made my life developing game much much easier.</p> <p>You may know one or two of these tricks, but I guarantee you that you don&rsquo;t know them all! Let&rsquo;s get right into them.</p> <p>1.If you are making a 2D game and you are using Unity 2018.2 or higher, you will most likely want to use the&nbsp;<strong>Pixel Perfect Camera</strong>&nbsp;component. Add this to your camera to get crisp pixels and movement rendered on screen. Import the&nbsp;<strong>Pixel Perfect Package</strong>: Window &gt; Package Manager &gt; All &gt; 2D Pixel Perfect Package.<br /> Next, match the &ldquo;Assets Pixels Per Unit&rdquo; property to the pixels per unit for your sprites. For a retro &ldquo;SNES Mode 7&rdquo; feel to your sprite transforms, enable &ldquo;Upscale Render Texture&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>