Uninspired with your images? Do something different.

<h1>Feeling stuck or uninspired with your images?</h1> <p>For the last several months (heck, maybe even the last couple of years), I&rsquo;ve been feeling pretty uninspired with my images. Not just that, but also feeling like I&rsquo;m not coming back with images that really excite me.</p> <p>I continue to get out there and create though. Even if I come home and delete the majority of the photos. Why?&nbsp;Part of what I really enjoy, what I think most of us enjoy, is capturing what I see.</p> <p>Then what? Then they sit there on my hard drive for weeks, months and in some cases, years. Not inspired or motivated to cull and edit them. So, I feel better for having gotten out and created with the camera but just not inspired enough to do anything further.</p> <h1>Traveling again</h1> <p>Yes, the last couple of years has taken a toll on all of us. Taken a toll in a number of ways, to be sure. Those of us who thrive on traveling are finally getting to explore again. Further than our own backyards. That in and of itself made me feel more inspired again.</p> <p>Going to a new location, somewhere that&rsquo;s been on my list to photograph for years was a huge jolt of inspiration. I honestly felt like a little kid. Even though we had limited time it was enough to get that camera working full speed ahead again.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/full-frame/uninspired-with-your-images-do-something-different-300c05d8a866"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>