Understanding Docker: My Dive into Containerization

<p>Docker &mdash; it&rsquo;s been a buzzword I&rsquo;ve been hearing a lot lately, especially in the context of open-source development. Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to dive into understanding this powerful tool and its potential. Here&rsquo;s what I discovered!</p> <p><strong>Docker: A Brief Overview From</strong>&nbsp;my readings, Docker appears to be a fascinating tool centered on &lsquo;containerizing&rsquo; applications. This ensures consistent performance, regardless of where they&rsquo;re deployed. When comparing this to the concept of Virtual Machines (VMs), Docker provides a more lightweight and efficient approach. Instead of running a full-fledged operating system for each application (like VMs), Docker containers share the same OS kernel, making them nimble and quick to deploy.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@demekenega4/understanding-docker-my-dive-into-containerization-3375ef2aea68"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>