Underground Chicago: Exploring The Hidden Layers of the City

<p>The most user-friendly layer of Chicago&rsquo;s underground is the Pedway System. The term &ldquo;Pedway&rdquo; is a conjunction word formed from &ldquo;pedestrian way.&rdquo; A busy city like Chicago is always looking for ways to drop syllables for efficiency!</p> <p>Functionally, the Pedway is a collection of basement-like hallways which connect buildings, train stations, and underground parking structures in the Loop. Small parts of the Pedway consist of &ldquo;skybridges&rdquo; that link the upper floors of adjacent buildings and passages that stay on the street level by cutting through lobbies.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@alexbean/underground-chicago-exploring-the-hidden-layers-of-the-city-35d981789989"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>