On Being Unable To Cry

<p>I cried on day one. I cried in the days leading up to it. I cried when it was unfolding and I cried on the evening it happened. But the next day, no tears came. No tears came on day two, and neither did they today, on day three.</p> <p>I have been known the last few months for being emotionally uncontrollable, or if I drop the diplomacy, a complete emotional wreck. The day before my love and I ended things, I lay in bed curled up and crying for 24 hours straight. I did not eat and I did not drink. I did not even put lip balm on. I just lay there in unbelievable pain, knowing what was coming, but not really believing it was true. Now it is day three since it we ended things, and I have not yet cried since that first day, when it happened.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mabel-media/on-being-unable-to-cry-2e0b5d6e2a5d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Unable Cry