Supreme Court’s Ethical Reform: Lacking Enforcement, Symbolic and Ultimately Ineffective

<h1>The Irony of Unenforceable Ethics</h1> <p>The&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Supreme Court&rsquo;s move to adopt a code of conduct</a>&nbsp;is akin to giving a child a rulebook and then leaving the room indefinitely. The lack of enforcement mechanisms turns this supposedly serious endeavor into nothing more than a farce. It&rsquo;s akin to saying, &ldquo;Here are the rules, but don&rsquo;t worry about following them &mdash; no one will be checking.&rdquo;</p> <h1>A Response to Public Pressure or a Band-Aid Solution?</h1> <p>The timing of this announcement, following months of stories highlighting justices&rsquo; alleged skirting of ethics rules, is as telling as it is laughable. The court, facing mounting pressure, seems to have cobbled together this &lsquo;code&rsquo; more as a placating measure rather than a genuine attempt at reform. It&rsquo;s reminiscent of a student hastily scribbling an assignment on the bus to school &mdash; a last-minute effort to avoid repercussions rather than a thoughtful, meaningful action.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>