Love Is The Ultimate Power — That Heals, Inspires Our Souls, And Brings Meaning To Our Lives:

<p>A<em>bu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah(saw)said,</em><strong><em>&nbsp;&ldquo;Verily, Allah will say on the Day of Resurrection: Where are those who love each other for the sake of My majesty? Today, I will shelter them in My shade on a day when there is no shade but Mine.&rdquo;</em></strong><em>(Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2566).</em></p> <p><strong>Love For the sake of Allah is one of the strongest bonds of Faith and is one of the most important Foundations on which Muslim society is based.</strong></p> <p>It is the basis by means of which ties of Friendship and harmony among people are attained so that they love one another, visit one another, are sincere towards one another, intermarry, and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, thus attaining true Islamic brotherhood.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ultimate Power