Ukraine’s David to Russia’s Goliath

<p>Popular culture teaches us that the story of David and Goliath is about the ability of an underdog to upset the established order by taking down the giants in their path. We use this metaphor when discussing startup companies taking on established monopolies, implying that the smaller, more agile organization has certain advantages against the lumbering behemoth. It is a story about the improbable victory of the little guy when taking on the established order, and who doesn&rsquo;t love a hero, right?</p> <p><strong>David and Goliath</strong></p> <p>Goliath was said to be a giant, heavily armored with bronze scale and greaves, and a spear with an iron point. He was described as three meters tall, well over nine feet, although his height grew with each retelling. He was chosen for the battle as it was believed that his great mass was an insurmountable advantage.</p> <p>The true story of David is that he was a trained warrior, a man who had fought many battles and was an accomplished fighter. He was a young man, and thus, the Philistines underestimated him, as did many of his countrymen. He claimed to have defeated a lion and a bear with his own hands, among other accolades. It is a story about a man with dedication, bravery, and who wanted to serve his country and his people going against a conquering army.</p> <p>In the battle itself, Goliath underestimated David, who approached without armor and without adequate weapons, but with a single stone from his sling, he slew the giant and removed his head with his sword. It showed that battles are not always won by apparent strength but with strategy, courage, and faith.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>