Can I Dare to Be Ugly?
<p>When I was in high school, I had struggled with cystic acne. I was so obsessed with it, I even had an acne journal where I would record the new acnes showed up that day and the ones that healed. For example, if you would like to know how my face looked back in 2008 –who wouldn’t?–, we can find a very clear description for each day in my records.</p>
<p>When I think about it, it breaks my heart to realize how much time I spent on obsessing and crying, just because of my looks. I was a kid, I shouldn’t be worrying about it.</p>
<p>Sometimes I wonder what kind of a person I would be now if I wasn’t so insecure about my looks back in my teenage years.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>