I Have PTSD from Living in New York City for Twenty Years

<p>I lived in New York City for twenty years. I was one of those &ldquo;I love New York/greatest city on earth&rdquo; die-hard psychos who believed there was nowhere else on the planet to live. After two decades the weather, endless gloom, and eight months a year of seasonal depression (that antidepressants, a psychopharmacologist, a psychologist, and a lightbox couldn&rsquo;t fix) was too unbearable to counter-argue with the remaining nice four months. The place I claimed to love was slowly killing me. My quality of life was the equivalent of being under house arrest in Siberia, except with a doorman and Uber Eats.</p> <p><a href="https://byrslf.co/i-have-ptsd-from-living-in-new-york-city-for-twenty-years-b97fc3451ff2"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Twenty Years