“Red Summer” — Black Empowerment and White Rage in the Early Twentieth Century

<p>Blatantly hateful and dehumanizing words should shock and appall us. We should question the integrity and intentions of anyone who voices such words. And yet, as the rhetoric of the 2024 presidential campaign heats up, supporters of the presumptive GOP nominee do not flinch &mdash; indeed they respond with raucous ovations &mdash; as their favored candidate sinks deeper and deeper into demagogic hate-mongering.</p> <p>How can so many Americans support such a petulant and childish man? How can they trust him after so many lies? How is it possible to respect someone so full of hate?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@regie.stites/red-summer-black-empowerment-and-white-rage-in-the-early-twentieth-century-362b6ff7b67c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>