The Twelve Links of Dependent Origination : Part1

<p><strong>The Twelve Links of Dependent Origination &mdash; The Laws and Principles of the Dharma Realm</strong></p> <p>In &ldquo;What the Buddha did during meditative trance,&rdquo; we looked at how the Buddha&rsquo;s insights into the Dharma Realm are described in the Threefold Lotus Sutra.</p> <p>The key point is that the Buddha observed the &ldquo;structure of the Dharma Realm&rdquo; and its &ldquo;mechanisms (laws and principles).&rdquo; The article first touched on the outline of the &ldquo;structure of the Dharma Realm&rdquo; discovered by the Buddha and wrote about his groundbreaking discovery of a new realm, the &ldquo;Formless Realm.&rdquo; This discovery of the Formless Realm was significant as it led to the construction of a path to escape suffering.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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