TV Review: “Domina — Nightshade” (S1, Ep. 6)

<p>The sixth episode of the Epix series&nbsp;<em>Domina&nbsp;</em>heightens the political and personal tension, as Livia and Antigone conspire to bring down the feckless Marcellus, who poses a danger to the former&rsquo;s desire to see the Republic restored. At the same time, other personal conflicts threaten to damage the fragile peace in the family, as Julia&rsquo;s ill-considered affair with Iullus threatens to break out into the open.</p> <p>By this point in the season, Antigone and Livia are inextricably bound to one another, each one&rsquo;s fate tied to the other&rsquo;s. As Livia says to Antigone, they are sisters in all the ways that matter. However, that doesn&rsquo;t mean that Antigone isn&rsquo;t going to tell Livia when she thinks she&rsquo;s wrong, and I found myself cheering her as she essentially told the other woman that she&rsquo;s more than just her private poisoner. The dynamic between these two extraordinary characters continues to be one of the series&rsquo; most compelling elements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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