Alternative history — I wish we could go back to the Ottoman Turkish Empire

<p>The message of the unified Islamic forces led by Hamas, which is the strongest bloc militarily in this axis, is resonating across the globe, reinforced by a horrific gushing stream of the blood of thousands of Palestinian children. In turn, this stream of blood, more than anything else, reveals the ideological nature of the Israeli government and its religious and cultural Zionist underpinnings, which Sari Nusseibeh clearly expressed in a 2011 article in Al Jazeera titled &ldquo;Why Israel can&rsquo;t be a &lsquo;Jewish state&rsquo;&rdquo;. Nusseibeh wrote that &ldquo;if we consider the subject dispassionately, the idea of a &lsquo;Jewish State&rsquo; is logically and morally problematic because of its legal, religious, historical and social implications.&rdquo; He goes on to spell out the implications of this term (&ldquo;Jewish State&rdquo;), hopeful that, once these are spelled out, &ldquo;most people &mdash; and most Israeli citizens, we trust &mdash; will not accept these implications.&rdquo;<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: turkish Empire