Banksy denounces the turkish censorship

<p>After an attempted of putsch in Turkey in 2016, Erdoğan government has reduced freedom of expression and silenced several alternative voices: journalists, editorialists, artists &hellip; Regardless of this, a conflict opposes for several decades Anatolia to the Kurds.</p> <p>Zehra Doğan was a paintress and reporter for a pro-Kurdish news agency. Since September 2017, she is serving a sentence of 2 years and 9 months. His fault? To have drawn a Turkish military operation against the PKK (a radical Kurdish movement). Her painting reproduces a photograph on which we see Turkish flags placed on the rubble of a Kurdish city.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*kUQAvUFm_1tEAWgiembSOw.jpeg" style="height:750px; width:450px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="*AOj-GRQiemNUI0v4tBTkIw.jpeg" style="height:613px; width:551px" /></p> <p>To denounce this condemnation, Banksy has, once again, invested a wall of New York, in collaboration with the street-artist Borf (John Tsombikos, who himself was even sentenced &mdash; to a lesser extent &mdash; for tagging in the street). Together, they painted traits that count Zehra Doğan&rsquo;s days of imprisonment and symbolize prison bars. These ones become pencils for the cell of the Turkish paintress, represented looking outward. Bottom right, an explicit message: FREE ZEHRA DOĞAN.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>