Tucker Carlson Predicts Trump Will Be Assassinated

<p>Appearing on anti-woke comedian Adam Carolla&rsquo;s YouTube show this week, Twitter podcaster and fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson is pounding home the theory that Democrats and the D.C. establishment are plotting to kill Donald Trump, this time claiming that we&rsquo;re &ldquo;speeding toward assassination&rdquo; because &ldquo;permanent Washington&rdquo; has decided they &ldquo;just can&rsquo;t have&rdquo; Trump as president again.</p> <p>Really? Kill Trump? I mean, just when you think Republicans can&rsquo;t get any more insane &mdash; along comes Tucker. Hell, I&rsquo;d say if anyone ends up killing Trump, it&rsquo;d most likely be the folks over at McDonald&rsquo;s or Diet Coke. They&rsquo;ve got the dude up around 300 pounds now.&nbsp;<em>Besides</em>, if memory serves me correctly, I believe it was Tucker who was discovered to have been repeatedly texting about how &ldquo;passionately he hates Trump&rdquo; and wished he were out of the picture.&nbsp;Frankly, if Trump ever got assassinated, I wouldn&rsquo;t be at all surprised if it turns out to be Tucker who does the deed.</p> <p>And yet, Carlson tells Adam Carolla that &ldquo;Both parties have decided that there&rsquo;s something about Trump that&rsquo;s so threatening to them, they just can&rsquo;t have it.&rdquo; Oh, really? Maybe they&rsquo;re referring to the part where Trump wanted to suspend the constitution and establish martial law, dismantle all society&rsquo;s social safety nets, overthrow a democratically held election, steal classified documents, spread hatred and fear of immigrants, and then throw all his political opponents in jail after he regains power. I wonder if that might be the thing folks find disturbing?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-haven/tucker-carlson-predicts-dems-or-dc-establishment-will-assassinate-trump-20e71188cdb1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>