Trump Calls For Civil War…Again. And Apparently, That’s Just Fine.

<p>In 1972, Ed Muskie&rsquo;s campaign was destroyed when he briefly cried in public. Someone had said something nasty about his wife. Plus, he had just seen&nbsp;<em>Beaches</em>&nbsp;for the first time. Three tears in a snowy parking lot in Manchester, and Muskie, then the front-runner, was toast. Soggy toast.</p> <p>In 1968 Republican front-runner George Romney saw his campaign immediately implode when he said that he had been &ldquo;brainwashed&rdquo; about the Viet Nam war. In 1972 George McGovern picked Thomas Eagleton to be his VEEP. It was revealed that Eagleton had been treated for depression earlier in his life and within hours Eagleton was off the ticket, and McGovern was relegated to losing more states than were actually in the union at the time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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