Trump Is Threatening To Release “Interesting Videos” Of Kevin McCarthy Unless The DOJ Is Defunded

<ul> <li>A &ldquo;MAGA hospital&rdquo; in Idaho is using leeches on people to &ldquo;suck out the vaccine&rdquo; for people who regret getting vaccinated against COVID.</li> <li>A Republican state senator from Florida claims &ldquo;no one was ever trans or gay until Fauci came out with the COVID vaccines.&rdquo;</li> <li>QAnon says Donald Trump&rsquo;s &ldquo;arrest&rdquo; next week will just be a diversion by JFK Jr., who will be wearing an FBI disguise, to drive Trump straight to the White House so they both can replace Biden and Harris.</li> <li>Donald Trump promises, no swears, this time he REALLY WILL pay for his supporters&rsquo; legal fees if they get arrested protesting for him.</li> <li>The Proud Boys say they won&rsquo;t join any protests for Donald Trump until Trump pays their January 6th legal fees like he promised he would.</li> <li>RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says the RNC will broadcast all the GOP presidential primary debates from Trump&rsquo;s prison cell in the event he actually gets incarcerated.</li> <li>Joe Biden just signed an executive order directing the DOJ to fund &ldquo;McDonalds Mondays&rdquo; for any imprisoned presidents.</li> <li>Florida Republicans are trying to censor images of the Founding Fathers in school textbooks so that Washington, Jefferson, and others aren&rsquo;t shown wearing high heels, stockings, long-haired wigs, makeup, or any other transgender-adjacent details.</li> <li>Donald Trump just &ldquo;Truthed&rdquo; this post: &ldquo;IF KEVIN MCCARTHY DOESN&rsquo;T END THESE INVESTIGATIONS IMMEDIATELY, I WILL DIRECT MY SUPPORTERS IN CONGRESS TO VOTE TO END HIS SPEAKERSHIP AND I WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO LEAK SOME &lsquo;INTERESTING VIDEOS</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>