The “Last Week Tonight” Trucking Segment

<p>When you are an over the road (OTR) driver, you work, live, sleep, eat, and often even go to the bathroom in your truck. You are chained to it for the full time you are out. Most OTR companies have drivers on the road for three&nbsp;<strong>weeks</strong>, then three&nbsp;<strong>days&nbsp;</strong>home. Even on days you don&rsquo;t work, you still can&rsquo;t do much of anything without the truck, and legally you cannot even move it if you&rsquo;re resetting your hours so you can work next week.</p> <p>The post that changed my mind took the amount of money a driver made and divided it by the total hours a driver was chained to his truck, and this is a much more accurate measure of hourly pay.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>