3 Trucking Films That Will Leave You Slack-Jawed & Clenching For Dear Life!

<p>There&rsquo;s nothing like a gut-wrenching action film that has you clenching for dear life at the climax and leaves you slack-jawed with peeled eyes at the end.</p> <p>The fact is you probably haven&rsquo;t had such an experience since the late 90s when films were truly raw, gritty and based on storytelling.</p> <p>Unfortunately, the rise of CGI and Green Screens has left us with a stunning firework show without color and sound; A beautiful sight that leaves you empty nonetheless.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@truckclubmagazine/3-trucking-films-that-will-leave-you-slack-jawed-clenching-for-dear-life-516cde48804"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Trucking Films