The Triple Pandemic: Revolt is the Only Option

<p>This difficult year is over: 2020 &mdash; good vision, perhaps foresight, undoubtedly some hindsight. In this essay we frame the year 2020 around society&rsquo;s failed response to a triple pandemic. A failure of social structures so catastrophic that it has been metaphorically depicted as revelatory of the Biblical apocalypse. The triple pandemic of 2020 included COVID-19, structural racism and environmental collapse. In this instance the definition of pandemic &ldquo;prevalent over the world and greater than anticipated increase in the number of cases&rdquo; is both true and not true, primarily because of the phrase &ldquo;greater than anticipated.&rdquo; Certainly, if the exact year of the convergence of these global societal tribulations was not prophesied, the speed of intensification of each of the triple pandemic events has been foretold by scientists and social thinkers for decades or longer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>