From Modelling to Travelling the World: What I’ve Been up to Recently

<p>I touched down in Toronto three weeks ago on June 26th. It&rsquo;s been a great time getting settled in to my new job and apartment, connecting with old friends, and seeing familiar places around Toronto again. Before that, my past 6 months was filled with miscellaneous adventures, from backpacking Europe solo to working as a car salesperson in Melbourne (yes, that happened). Here&rsquo;s a quick recap of my adventures, and a fun little way to sum up the time I had away from home.</p> <p><strong>January</strong></p> <p>On December 28th 2022, I left for a backpacking expedition across Europe. I had a month and a bit off due to my exchange term coming up, so I figured what better way to spend it than travelling a continent I had never been to before?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>