Photography as a time travel machine

<p>What made me question this was a simple event in my life that happened on the streets of Prague. I was passing through one passageway of an old building in the center of the city. I noticed there was a photo exhibition of old photos from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. There was one particular photograph where one man with a black coat and umbrella in his hand walked the street. Made me wonder what kind of life this person lived. Immediately my mind started projecting pictures of the house where he lived, the family he had, and the problems he was solving. At that moment I realized that photography is a great medium that captures time and just by one simple glance at an old picture my brain with all its imagination can travel across time and can use photography as a time travel tool. It&rsquo;s kind of similar to the notion of reading, painting, we create images in our heads. But in photography, we have exact images of the surroundings the architecture, and the fashion trends in a way the time stopped and recorded itself on the film stock or glass plate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel Machine