How I Built a Travel Jenga

<p>The pandemic interrupted the orderly flow of annual conventions.</p> <p>Every April since 2004 a city somewhere around the world has hosted a convention to celebrate the anniversary of the site: St Louis, Christchurch, London, Toronto, Amsterdam, Melbourne, Gothenburg, Bordeaux&hellip;</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve attended most of them, not to mention various more localised &ldquo;Unconventions&rdquo;. Each one a tonne of fun with friends and an excuse for travel.</p> <p>Mainz in Germany was the last one, in 2019, and a couple of we Aussies made a presentation pitching the delights of the 2020 world convention on the Gold Coast.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel Jenga