Mexico City Travel Diary

<p>I was going to write an email with a few photos and send it out to all of you but the email just kept getting bigger and bigger, quickly surpassing the attachment size limit. Finally it turned into this. I really enjoyed writing all this out, and I hope you enjoy reading it, or at least looking at the pictures.</p> <p>In summary, I like to go to interesting places, and I sure nailed that by picking Mexico City. I&rsquo;d noticed, even before going, that the abbreviation &lsquo;CDMX&rsquo; for &lsquo;Ciudad de Mexico&rsquo; was commonly in use. I saw it in use there too, so from here on I&rsquo;ll call the place I went CDMX.</p> <p>Oh, and you all wanted photos? Well, here&rsquo;s (what I thought at the time was) the biggest flag in North America. It&rsquo;s near where I stayed:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel Diarys