Does Complex Trauma Exist, Or Not? (It Does, But Apparently That’s Not Very Clear)

<p>Complex trauma either exists, or it doesn&rsquo;t. Choose one.</p> <p>(It actually exists, sadly, but some people are too busy licking boots, kissing ass, or looking out for themselves to even hear that.)</p> <p>We survivors don&rsquo;t get to pick and choose when it exists. We barely get any say at all. (Which is a central part of the problem.) But doctors get to, apparently.</p> <p>As far as clinical documentation goes, complex trauma isn&rsquo;t &ldquo;real.&rdquo; It is often ignored, hidden, and punished. But it is almost never heard. It&rsquo;s just written under&nbsp;<em>something else</em>&nbsp;(like Depression, Borderline, or something.) Complex trauma is treated with stand-ins, instead of what it actually is. Like a poor body double, if you will, who doesn&rsquo;t even do the job well.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Trauma Exist