End-to-end Azure data engineering project — Part 2: Using DataBricks to ingest and transform data

<p>This is a series of 4 articles demonstrating the end-to-end data engineering process on the Azure platform, using Azure Data Lake, DataBricks, Azure Data Factory, Python, Power BI and Spark technology. In this part 2, we will discuss how to use Databricks to ingest and transform the JSON files that we&rsquo;ve imported from Part 1.</p> <p>Please review the related articles in the series here:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@patrick_nguyen_74695/end-to-end-azure-data-engineering-project-part-1-project-requirement-solution-architecture-and-3fedb53df400?sk=01d12db96e06e08d8849a364c08e2b3c" rel="noopener">End-to-end Azure data engineering project &mdash; Part 1: Project Requirement, Solution Architecture and ADF reading data from API</a></p> <p>End-to-end Azure data engineering project &mdash; Part 2: Using DataBricks to ingest and transform data</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@patrick_nguyen_74695/complete-end-to-end-azure-data-engineering-project-part-2-using-databricks-to-ingest-and-5eb0746d1c6"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: transform Data