Lack of evidence for trans history

<p>It is always telling that when someone is desperate to deny a minority group their place in history they fall back on either their own personal lack of seeing that minority or some authority figure who has tangential knowledge of that minority. What those who deny trans history in particular forget is that what we perceive as trans is a modern conception based on advances in medical science, society understanding, and the relaxation of gender expression enforcement by the State. Much of trans history is buried in letters, journals, newspapers, plays, and treaties, subtle to the common eye, yet obvious when you know how to spot it. The key issue, as&nbsp;<em>Female Husbands</em>&nbsp;points out, is that we cannot project our modern understanding of trans identities onto the past, even the fairly recent past. For every April Ashley who transitioned at the end of the 1950s there are a multitude of unknown people who either never came to terms with their gender incongruence or did so in the privacy of their own lives. As such, it is clear that the perceived lack of evidence is not in fact a lack of trans lives, simply a lack of recording those lives.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Trans History