How to Keep Your Trans Kid Alive

<p>At age three, I knew I was a girl even though my mama insisted I was a boy. My experience as a trans kid almost doesn&rsquo;t apply because it was fifty years ago. My only option back then was to keep it a secret and disappear into books and a fantasy world. Still, I was bullied terribly because I was effeminate. I also suffered from gender dysphoria to the extent that I had to be hospitalized for over a week at age 13 due to depression and stress. Puberty was the worst time of my life. I cried myself to sleep nightly, begging God to change me into a girl or take me to heaven.</p> <p>For all the adverse media coverage and political terrorism about trans kids, things are, in fact, better now than when I was a kid. I believe we&rsquo;re on the cusp of&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tran Kids