Trading stocks and Terraform

<p>I&rsquo;m John Renne, the DevOps lead within BUX. Having been in the field of development and infrastructure since 1998 I&rsquo;m still passionate about new technology. I&rsquo;m a strong infrastructure as Code advocate and dedicated to automate as much as possible. One of the fun parts op my job, is I sometimes get the chance to give people the opportunity to take a little peak behind the curtains. Sometimes during a meet-up, sometimes through a blog. Today I decided it was time to share with you why we are strong believers in Infrastructure as Code and how we experienced our journey into it.</p> <p><strong>How it all started.</strong></p> <p>I think most people working in DevOps know the drill. Infrastructure isn&rsquo;t clicked together in the console of your favourite cloud provider, it&rsquo;s set up using infrastructure as code. In the case of BUX we decided to use terraform to provision our infrastructure. We can easily create and delete resources, and everyone&rsquo;s happy. As Shakespear would say it &ldquo;All&rsquo;s well that ends well&rdquo; but this wasn&rsquo;t the end of it&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: trading stocks