The World Is on Track To Surpass 3°C This Century

<p>Spot on, Seth Godin. That number is only a prediction and thus susceptible to change. The world is on track to a 2.9&deg;C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels. But only if we continue doing what we&rsquo;re doing. If the signatories of the Paris Agreement fully implement what they said they would, the world will reach temperatures 2.5&deg;C to 2.9&deg;C higher than pre-industrial levels this century.</p> <p>But it&rsquo;s not 2100 yet. The UN report isn&rsquo;t a history lesson talking about historical measurements. It&rsquo;s a forecast. We still have time to change things; keeping the temperature increase to the hopeful 1.5&deg;C level is still possible. It&rsquo;s not all gloom and doom.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Track Surpass