A Total Addressable Market (TAM) Masterclass

<p><strong>Total Addressable Market</strong>&nbsp;is something you can&rsquo;t unsee once you see it. It changes the way you assess the world around you. To the chagrin of my wife, I can&rsquo;t visit a bakery without doing the back-of-the-envelope TAM on blueberry muffin sales in the greater Boston area.</p> <p>Having built a plethora (vocab word!) of TAM analyses&nbsp;<strong>as an operator</strong>&nbsp;when either&nbsp;<strong>evaluating a new product launch</strong>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<strong>building a pitch deck</strong>&nbsp;to ask VCs for money, I finally got the chance to approach the topic in detail&nbsp;<strong>from the lens of an investor</strong>.</p> <p>From the very first Salesforce export we pored over together,&nbsp;<a href="https://lsvp.com/team/sebastian-duesterhoeft/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Sebastian Duesterhoeft</a>&nbsp;has been one of my favorite investors to work with and learn from.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/lightspeed-venture-partners/a-total-addressable-market-tam-masterclass-1650b1f04c1d"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>