Toronto Renters, This May Be Your Lucky Day

<p>Rent prices and the cost of living are skyrocketing in Toronto,&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Canada&rsquo;s most expensive city</a>. Yet, apartment lotteries give renters the chance to change their luck and win the opportunity to rent newly built residential units below market value.</p> <h1><strong>Unaffordable housing on the rise</strong></h1> <p>In the province of Ontario, there is no rent control on residential units that have&nbsp;<em>never been</em>&nbsp;occupied before November 15, 2018. This has provided incentive for developers to build new purpose-built rentals, as well as condominiums (which supply the secondary rental housing market), across the city. Demand for homes is high. Still, despite the growing need for housing, many units sit empty, likely in part because their cost is out of the reach of many.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>