Why I Love k-os, the Toronto Rapper

<p>When I was in the womb, according to my madre, I responded well to classical music while in the car. It could be any classical music. Bach, Mozart, &ldquo;The Short Tempered Clavier&rdquo;. But when it came to rock, roll, or electronic music, her stomach turned.</p> <p><strong>Almost like my music taste was predetermined, drawn to a distinct set of sounds. But that couldn&rsquo;t be the case.</strong></p> <p>Toddler Alexander took a lot of naps in the cold basement, listening to the hum of the old &ldquo;white-tower&rdquo; computer, and listening to some music to drift me off.</p> <p><a href="https://alexrozzi.medium.com/why-i-love-the-toronto-mc-k-os-f0d74f1c66ac"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Toronto Rapper