The Toronto Man

<p>If someone says New Yorker, an image of a fast-talking, smartly dressed, New Yawker comes to mind. If someone says LA socialite then a vain, modernly styled, wannabe actor is recalled. A Seattleite conjures the portrait of a crunchy, athleisure sporting, tech worker. Denizens of smaller places get lumped together: New Englander, Mid-Westerner, and Texan all inspire their own characters. Obviously, those further from home have their own quirks, but alas the general populace of North America can&rsquo;t distinguish someone from Brisbane from Melbourne, nor can they from Northern and Southern China. But Parisian, Milanese, and Tokyoite are all identifiable. It&rsquo;s a bit of an honour to be caricaturized and immortalized as a resident of a large city, the further away the better.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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