Topl Spotlight #21: ReFi as the Next Step in the Web3 Revolution With ReFi DAO Prague’s Dalibor Černý

<p><strong><em>Topl Spotlight</em></strong><em>&nbsp;showcases innovators and changemakers who are reimagining economic systems through web3 technologies. Today, we&rsquo;re excited to present&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Dalibor Čern&yacute;</em></strong><em>, a Regenerative Attorney combining the new trends in technology and sustainability. Passionate about regeneration, permaculture, and innovation, Dalibor founded&nbsp;</em><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>ReFi DAO&rsquo;s Prague Local Node</em></a><em>. With expertise in web3, fintech, and sustainable finance, he&rsquo;s a seasoned professional educated at Charles University in Prague, Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, and the University of San Francisco in the United States. He has previously worked with entities like the European Investment Bank, Deloitte, and AXA.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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