Miami Doctor’s Innovative Treatment Restores Sight to Blind Teen Using Topical Gene Therapy

<p>In a heartwarming medical triumph, a 14-year-old boy, who has been blind for most of his life, can now see, thanks to an enterprising Miami doctor&rsquo;s pioneering use of topical gene therapy. The groundbreaking treatment, initially formulated as eye drops, marks the world&rsquo;s first-ever application of gene therapy in this form.</p> <p>The medication was initially approved as a topical gel for the treatment of skin lesions caused by a sporadic disease that leaves behind severe wounds and scar tissue, sometimes resulting in the fusion of fingers and toes. This innovative gene therapy has shown remarkable efficacy in tackling the challenging symptoms of the disease, offering a glimmer of hope for patients suffering from its debilitating effects.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>