Top 10 C# Code Smells

<p>Amid the lines of logic and layers of algorithms, there lurk imperfections known as &ldquo;code smells&rdquo;. This guide dissects these subtle offenders, guiding you towards coding finesse.</p> <p>I wish these code smell insights had been part of my early learning. Recognizing and addressing these would have undoubtedly streamlined my projects and accelerated my growth as a developer.</p> <h1>1. Duplicated Code</h1> <p>Duplicated code is the d&eacute;j&agrave; vu of the coding world. Repetitive, redundant, and representing a major drain on maintainability, it can erode the foundation of an otherwise sturdy codebase. Just as an artist wouldn&rsquo;t paint the same stroke twice, a coder shouldn&rsquo;t reproduce identical lines without good reason.</p> <p>Example:</p> <pre> // In Login Module if(password.Length &lt; 8) { // Error } // In Registration Module if(password.Length &lt; 8) { // Error }</pre> <p><em>Recognize that eerie feeling of repetition? That&rsquo;s duplicated code whispering!</em><br /> <strong>Recommendation:</strong>&nbsp;Swear by the DRY (Don&rsquo;t Repeat Yourself) principle. Extract and encapsulate duplicated segments. Aim for a sleek and streamlined codebase.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>
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