Sustainable planning for Cultural Heritage in 3D digital era — Tools & Opportunities

<p>Cultural Heritage (CH) sustainability has been recently introduced to&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Agenda 2030</a>&nbsp;to describe the relationship between conservation and sustainable development. Goal 11 advocates &ldquo;Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world&rsquo;s cultural and natural heritage&rdquo;. Conservation plays a significant role in sustaining local communities; not only reinforcing local identity and traditions, but also, maximizing economic benefits through well-managed tourism. Besides the social and economic dimension, CH sustainability tackles the harmful effects of urbanization and tourism on the environment. Tourism is a conflicting factor that can easily override the natural carrying capacity of a site. It may lead to overcrowding, traffic congestion, ecological deterioration and local resident&rsquo;s dissatisfaction. Planning is essential to determine the limits of natural and cultural environment, as opposed to the maximum number of visitors. While problems related to carrying capacity have to be diagnosed, the conservation of CH authenticity must counterbalance priorities on economic and market values.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>