Hiking the Tokaido Road, Part 41 — Epilogue

<p>I met on the road. Except for the handful of people I met who were running the length of Tokaido, I was the youngest person there. And I&rsquo;m 59 years old. Most of the people I met were in their 60s. Quite a few were in their 70s. Some were in their late 70s. I&rsquo;m sure I could have found some people in their 80&rsquo;s if the tour groups would have given me some time to chat with them.</p> <p>And even more surprising, in most cases the people I met had more energy and stamina than I did. I was regularly being outdistanced by people a decade or two older than me. One lady I met but didn&rsquo;t photograph was doubled over so her back was horizontal. She was hiking Tokaido with her husband, and she held a couple of walking sticks to help her keep her balance. I met a man who I also didn&rsquo;t photograph who told me that he has a heart condition. He had walked Tokaido before at a 20 mile per day pace (32km), and now he said that he&rsquo;s walking it for the second time in the opposite direction but because of his heart condition he can only walk for an hour before he needs a half hour rest.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@aaron.c/hiking-the-tokaido-road-part-41-epilogue-907a9d353d64"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Tokaido Roads